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Everything around us is energy, even emotions are a form of energy.  My connection to energy work has been transformative for me and has even affected the ways in which I create my art.  Energy work has also made me contientious about the mind-body connection and how often people are in a state of disconnect and dissociate.  Everything is connected as if we are tuned into a web of data from this lifetime and beyond and this has become a major factor in the ways in which I express my work.   The title of my series of works is Dis-Ease.  In these works, there is the intentionality to evoke feelings of unease and curiosity.  The focus is on the human experience, the body, the mind and what is happening within it.  With this work I am conveying that energy becomes stuck in the body and when we do not tend to it, it tends to get a hold of us in whichever way it can.  Sometimes this can impact our dreams in order to communicate to us what we are repressing.  Where there is an end, we also see the chance for a new beginning.   My intention is to put the viewer in the seat of the subject in my work, I want them to reflect on what may be “stuck” within them.  I want the viewer to gather the information, let it impact and then transform them.   In this experience, I hope that they find what experience they are holding onto, and how it may be affecting them physically.   One of the most incredible aspects about the human body is its ability to hold energy within it and to heal itself.  Every second of every day that we are alive, our cells are working to bring the body back to a state of equilibrium.  Although they become blockages to the brain’s response to disease, however, these blockages are caused by an impairment of the healing mechanism.  For instance, when a person becomes angry, their body creates an elevated heart rate and releases stress hormones which impair the natural functions of your cells.  Our brain’s response to mental experiences can become delayed or unreactive when we hold on to grudges and bitterness.  The response sent out by the brain tells the rest of the body there is disease and overtime, settled metaphysical disease becomes physical disease within the body.  I use snakes to represent the “poison” within the body. Snakes are notoriously representative of fatality and cycles of life.  Through this experience there is an opportunity for change, within the viewer and as the artist through the interconnected web of existence.  When change occurs in one, it tends to create a rippling effect into the lives of others. 

Cyanide- 2021, plaster, acrylic, wire & wood

Polonium- 2021, Plaster, Wire, Acrylic & wood

ricin- 2021, Plaster, wire, acrylic & wood

sleep paralysis- 2021, conte on paper, 18" x 24"

arachnophobia- 2021, graphite on paper, 12"x 16"

Dissociate- 2021, charcoal on paper, 18" x 24"

Fractals- 2021, graphite on paper, 12" x 16"

Purge the poison- 2021, pencil on paper, 18" x 24"

rotting- 2021, graphite on paper, 12" x 16"

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